Degree Programs


【轉知】研討會訊息,鼓勵學生踴躍報名參與2024 RIKEN-NCHU Joint Symposium

The 2024 RIKEN-NCHU Joint Symposium will take place on September 5, 2024, as a hybrid event in Room B17 of the Applied Science & Technology Building at NCHU. This symposium provides a platform for RIKEN and NCHU researchers to present their latest findings and collaborate on research initiatives. The event will feature 12 invited speakers—8 from RIKEN and 4 from NCHU/Taiwan.


We deeply appreciate the continued support and collaboration from RIKEN and NCHU researchers and students over the past four years. NCHU colleagues, postdoctoral researchers, and students are encouraged to attend this year’s symposium in person. This will be a great opportunity to connect with our RIKEN colleagues who will be joining us from Japan.


Please use the following link to register for the 2024 RIKEN-NCHU Joint Symposium:


Joint Symposium Registration link:


Symposium Webpage:


2024 RIKEN Summer School


The 2024 RIKEN Summer School is a two-credit course scheduled from September 2 to September 4, 2024. Six distinguished researchers from RIKEN, Japan, will deliver three days of interdisciplinary lectures showcasing their cutting-edge research. In addition to the lectures, there will be evening discussion sessions each day where students can engage in open discussions on the research topics.


We anticipate participation from students across diverse fields, including physics, chemistry, materials science, nanoscience, agricultural science, electrical engineering, and life science. To ensure that all students benefit, we encourage the lectures to cover fundamental knowledge with broad introductions to the topics. This approach will make the content accessible to a wide range of students and foster rich scientific dialogue.


The summer school format includes a three-hour lecture followed by a three-hour discussion session for each speaker. To facilitate group discussions, all lectures will be held in the multimedia classroom in Room S210 of the Science Building.


NCHU colleagues are also welcome to attend the lectures in Room S210.


Please encourage your students to register for the summer school, which will provide them with valuable insights and exposure to innovative research topics presented by RIKEN experts.


Summer School Webpage:


Summer School Registration:
